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Sara is a native of Southwest Louisiana. She graduated from Louisiana State University with a degree in English. She began working in the legal field after moving to Arkansas in 2013. Her hobbies include shoving her cats off the keyboard so she can write, trying to do puzzles before her cats destroy them, watching movies with her cats blocking the TV, and putting up with her two cats. She firmly believes the greatest inventions of all time are the public library system and Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.
Unless you’re already a lawyer, you probably have questions. We believe in educating people on the law, even if they don’t use our services. Go ahead and dive in.
September 12 – September 25 Sept. 12-14, Ron Feingold LIVE in Little…
Can I be fired right after I announced my retirement? Yes, in…
Busy now? Schedule a talk for later. Feeling chatty? Call Andi.