Discrimination and Harassment

Lawyers love to talk.

If you’re facing an employment discrimination legal issue, our experienced attorneys can help you understand your rights and options. Visit our website to learn more about employment law and how we can assist you in protecting your rights and achieving a fair resolution to your legal matter.


If you’re pregnant and employed, knowing your rights under the Pregnancy and…


Experiencing pushback at work after reporting an issue? You’re likely encountering retaliation…


Do Transgender People Have the Same Rights in the Workplace? In a…


As the workplace becomes increasingly diverse, accommodating employees’ religious needs is essential…


No, your employer is not allowed to terminate you because you filed a complaint. It…


Defining Workplace Sexual Harassment Unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and…


If you dread going to work every day, and feel harassed, discriminated…

Let's make a
Badass Strategy
for you.

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